Well Lahti, it’s been fun!

Hello everybody!
Wow! I’m feeling great this week! I hope you all are too! šŸ˜€
Well, drum roll please….. Here’s the big news!
I am going to Lappeenranta to finish the training of Sister Willoughby from Alberta, Canada! šŸ™‚

Whoo hoo! This is my first time as senior companion. A bit nerve racking, but Sister Albiston has prepared me well! And so has all of this moving to new areas! I know that this is Heavenly Father’s will and I’m excited to start my 4th area!

By a pond in a beautiful park next to our house. Companity!

Sister Albiston is staying in Lahti and TRAINING! Whoo hooo! I am so excited for her and she is so ready! She will find out who her trainee is on Wednesday! We have been preparing by writing her notes, organizing the apartment, and getting Finnish treats. Sister Albiston has prepped for training her, and she’s been helping me pratice for finishing training.
(When a missionary is in their first 12 weeks in the country they go through the missionary 12 week program to learn the lessons really well, practice teaching, learn new finding ideas, how to work with the ward council, etc. This means they have an extra hour of companionship study every day where the senior companion leads out in the training.)
So, on to this last week in Lahti. I have really grown to love Lahti in this last week! It’s been quite the adjustment, but I really like it here now! HAha, I’m also excited to move on to more adventures!
This week we went on exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders and while with Sister Clark I saw so many miracles. I’m grateful for the chance we have to learn from other people. In one experience, in a new tracting area that Sister Albiston and I just started a little over a week ago, Sister Clark and I were able to sit down with a middle-age couple on their front porch and talk about the gospel and the Book of Mormon with them. They accepted a Book of Mormon in the end and we were able to answer some of their questions through Joseph Smith’s experience with the First Vision. I hope they will soon become investigators.
We found an awesome tracting area where so many people are interested and I know we were led to that area for a reason!
Both of our investigators just stopped investigating, HOWEVER! It was not their time and two days later Sister Albiston and I set up 2 new appointments with new people for her and her trainee in Lahti! This area is going to grow! And I am so excited to hear about the Lord’s hand in this area after my mission!
Well, have a good one!
As I learned this transfer, don’t be prideful! don’t compete with people, just help them come closer to their Savior Jesus Christ! HE loves us all!
Sister Adams šŸ™‚
PS Signing on from area 4 next week! šŸ™‚

Pic 1: By a pond in a beautiful park next to our house. Companity!

Pic 2: Berry picking!

Sisar Adams


Berry (red currant) picking!

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